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  • Writer's pictureJill Kolstad, M.Ed.

5 Focus Tricks for Students with ADHD Learning at Home

Nearly two months into the lockdown, students with ADHD are noticing both the benefits (self-guided pace, movement breaks) and drawbacks (no one-on-one interaction, heavy reliance on self-motivation) of virtual learning. One common hurdle is focus — specifically learning how to ignore domestic distractions and persevere without a teacher standing nearby. Here are the solutions ADDitude families are using with some success.

Siblings are noisy. Video games are enticing. The pantry is calling. Learning at home is rife with distractions, and many students with ADHD are finding it more difficult than ever to focus on their schoolwork.

So what keeps your child on task and on schedule while learning from home?

We asked this question to ADDitude readers recently and more than 200 responded with tips and tools that inspire focus in their child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Here are the five most common and helpful solutions...FULL ARTICLE HERE

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